Monday, April 15, 2013
Javascript: One Language to rule them all, and in the darkness... NO WAIT!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
What's a Kingmaker Without Coin?
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Startups Are the New Nineties Garage Bands
It's not my title but I thought of it before finding this old article. Startups are popping up everywhere. So many people are involved with finding the next big thing. You have incubators all over the place hoping to be a part of the next thing and people wanting to make it big with their idea.
In the 90s everyone had a band or knew of someone in a band. You would have to find talented peeps to fill the different roles and then collaborate to get anything rolling. A few took off and we all know their names now.
Today, you can take your idea to something like Start Garden or an incubator and find peeps to be on your team. What I want to do with BuildItHub is allow anyone with some talent and some social grace to join the band. It might be for one song, a couple gigs or for the long haul, but that is what I want to allow. Just have to find out if others want to play along...
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Learning Ruby on Rails: Is it worth it?
Note: The following post might be me having my own geeky midlife crisis. After all, I am turning 38 this year. So maybe all the young hipsters out there are making me a bit envious. But, maybe it's not a crisis, and maybe the grass is really greener on the other side...
I've been toying around with the idea of learning another programming language. Being interested has not driven me to commit to another language on an actual project though. I think for me it comes down to doing what I know because it's fast, or at least faster than starting from scratch with all the new syntax and tools. Being a hopeful, evening and weekend entrepreneur, usually I'm trying to put a minimum viable product together as fast as I can. Necessity seems to be my driving force.
I've been a .net developer since 2001. When it first came out, or shortly after I had to choose if I'd be a .net or Java Dev. After the decision was made I never really desired to be anything else. I'm not one of those developers who thinks Bill Gates is the anti-Christ, though Balmer doesn't give me the warm fuzzies. I have not jumped on the M$ hate bandwagon, and actually have come to really love Windows 7 (Windows 8 will not be my next OS though). I've never been much of a fan of the console. In fact I'm quite fond of IDEs. Well, I'm fond of Visual Studio, as it's been my main tool of choice for over a decade.
Rails interests me because it seems to have quite a community of really excited craftsman around it. They seem to care about doing things right. By right I mean, as the website says, optimized for developer happiness and sustainable productivity. Supposedly you can build a highly maintainable site very quick [if you know what you're doing].
These new thoughts started a little over a year ago. I'd started doing a lot more front end development and have come to almost enjoy JavaScript. Once I started treating it like a real language, I realized the power that is there. Now something is happening within and I don't believe I'm the only .net develops out there feeling this way. I want to learn something new but a few things stand in my way from pulling the trigger. One - I'm learning to tolerate the console, but I have to admit I'm still not a fan. I know many will not take me seriously after that statement, but i have to be honest. Two - Ruby, Rails and lots of the tools are built around the Unix console being the main tool of choice so it seems the Mac is becoming the new developer machine. Macs are freaking expensive and my current employer isn't going to foot the bill at this time. I could try Ubuntu on my windows machine, but getting it all setup, configured and taking the time to learn the new OS could take me a while. That same while I could be finishing my next MVP in a language I'm pretty good with.
Is it worth the hassle? Am I just being lazy or am I being practical? One thing I am considering seriously is Node.js and Sails.js - Something about an all js and HTML stack really has me intrigued, but how hard will it be with a windows machine? Your thoughts and advice is welcome...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Why I love my job this year ;)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Once upon a time...
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Into the Realm of Elves (.net >> rails)
Introduction to My Journey
I'm biting the bullet and learning Rails today. I would be at GRDevDay but didn't get the ticket before they were sold out. So while you are all learning some cool stuff I will do the same. The latest version of the book "Agile Web Dev w/ Rails" just showed up on my kindle and I'm going to take a shot. Yesterday I tweeted...Chadrick Mahaffey @chadrickm I feel like I'm a human venturing into a dark forest trying to follow elves (.net to #rails).
What version do I have?
$ gem list --local railsSo I have 3.2.9 and it appears I might not be able to get 4.0.0.beta1 using windows. So until I invest in a new maGIc book I'll be a bit behind the time, but this is fine for now.